Sundays 10:30 AM – 12:00PM
Live Services
Join hundreds of people online to watch our live Sunday morning service. Live feed begins at 10:30 am
Get Involved
We are a church on a mission to bring Jesus to our community. We invite you to come join a family you will call home.
Step1 Class
We can help you in your growth as you follow Jesus Christ. We can teach you the basics of Christainity with Step 1

Our Pastor
Born and raised in Yalobusha County, Pastor Keith Burney has a heart for this community. Brother Burney is a licensed minister in the Assemblies of God. He has faithfully preached for 40 years as God has anointed him to minister the Word of God

Have Kids?
Our church has nursery available for ages 5 and under. Childrens church is available for ages 6-12 during Sunday morning service. Our workers care for the children with integrity and love. We instill faith in Jesus Christ through lessons and activities.

Our Associate Pastor
Pastor Dean Tilley brings over 48 years of experience to the minstry. He holds a Masters in Bible Theology from the Southwestern Assemblies of God University. Pastor Tilley conducts prayer studies every Wednesday Night at 7pm
Our Mission & Vision
At First AOG our vision and mission is to help connect people to faith
The Assemblies of God was founded in 1914 in Hot Springs, Arkansas with 300 people at the founding convention. Today there are nearly 13,000 churches in the U.S. with over 3 million members and adherents. There are more than 69 million Assemblies of God members worldwide, making the Assemblies of God the world’s largest Pentecostal denomination. Water Valley AOG is part of this great movement spanning the globe and ministering the Gospel in our local area.
Next Steps
Church Baptisms
After salvation, the next step is full imersion water Batism. We have an indoor Baptistry
Church Weddings
Let us help you host your wedding. We can provide music for this special time
Infant Dedications
We conduct infant dedications upon requests by the parents. As the saying goes “it takes a village”
Prayer Requests
Reach out to us by phone or text at (662) 607-6419 with your prayer request or the contact form
Pastor’s Corner
We look forward to you visiting our church where everyone is treated like family! Feel free to call our Pastor and let us know you are coming! We also do community visits to encourage, teach, pray for the sick and lead those to Christ by presenting the plan of...
Ladies Ministry
First Assembly of God has a very active ladies ministry. There are alot of trips, fundraisers, fellowship and fun while serving others in the Water Velley Community. If you would like more information, contact Sister Burney at (662) 607-6419
Heal Our Land
Humanity is in trouble. Not only does the Church feel it, but the world does too. Wickedness runs rampant. Terrorists push their own agendas. Heartbreaking reports have become the mainstay of every news channel. Stories of hate, violence, and greed seem commonplace....
General Presbytery Meeting
August 1-2, 2022
Orlando FL
2022 General Presbytery Meeting will be held in Orlando, Florida
AOG General Conference
July 31st – Aug 4th 2023
Branson MO
The 60th General Council will convene in Columbus Ohio
Prayer Night
Every Wednesday 7pm
Water Valley MS
Come join Associate Pastor Dean Tilley at our fellowship hall for a time of prayer and fellowship as we study Biblical Prayer.